Facial Fat Injection


Fat InjectionFat injections offer a potentially permanent solution for people who want to plump cheeks and lips, or to fill lines and wrinkles on the face. Your own fat is used to improve the appearance of the face or body by removing excess fat from an area of the body where it is less needed. Fat cells are removed via liposuction, then purified by the doctor. They are transplanted to desired areas with a series of injections.

The effect of fat injections can last as little as a few months or up to one year. Results are somewhat unpredictable. If the fat cells reestablish a sufficient blood supply at the transplant site, the cells will remain alive and they will not be reabsorbed into the body. Repeated treatments may be necessary.

My experience with Dr. Olding and his staff was absolutely wonderful

My experience with Dr. Olding and his staff was absolutely wonderful. After several consultations with other plastic surgeons I settled on Dr. Olding because I believed he was the most qualified and showed the best judgment while explaining my procedure to me. He was also recommended to me by my trusted dermatologist so that factored into my decision as well.
H. A.

The fat injections are generally delivered during an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia or during another surgical procedure. Risk of complications is typically minimal, though patients may experience swelling and bruising that lasts for several weeks or months, or blindness.

Patients interested in cosmetic facial surgery relating to aging, please bring with you any photos of yourself 5, 10, 15 or 20 years past, so Dr. Olding may see the changes in your face. Please also look at the list of all medications and supplements you may not take 2 weeks prior to your surgery.

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* Individual results may vary.

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