Abdominal Liposuction


Abdominal LiposuctionAbdominal liposuction, or suction-assisted lipectomy, is a surgical procedure that removes unwanted deposits of fat from the abdomen and often associated flanks, hip and thigh.

It improves body shape by removing fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.

Am I a Good Candidate for Abdominal Liposuction?

This procedure is appropriate for patients who cannot get rid of their excess body fat around the abdominal area using traditional methods like diet and exercise. Abdominal liposuction is also perfect for busy patients who do not have enough free time to spend hours at the gym working out.

Healthy patients who are at or near their ideal body weight are excellent candidates for abdominal liposuction. Ideal candidates are non-smokers with realistic goals.

What Happens During a Consultation?

Dr. Olding will listen to your goals during your consultation. He will examine your abdominal area to identify the areas with unwanted fat. He will look over your medical history to ensure that the procedure is right for you. Dr. Olding will also show before and after photos of past results from abdominal liposuction.

The discussion will include deciding whether you would like to combine abdominal liposuction with other procedures to produce more-comprehensive body-shaping results.

Finally, Dr. Olding will develop your personalized procedure plan. You will learn about the possible fees, the procedure itself, and the recovery process. He will make sure to address all your concerns, and the date of your abdominal liposuction procedure will be finalized.

The Abdominal Liposuction Procedure

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis. The duration of the abdominal liposuction procedure will depend on the techniques involved and the extent of the procedure.

Anesthesia will be administered to start the surgery. Next, small incisions will be made to access the excess fat. Once the target volume of excess fat has been removed via a thin tube called a cannula, the incisions will be bandaged for protection.

Your Recovery Period

Patients generally return to work and to strenuous activity within two weeks. Dr. Olding will examine you to determine if you are a candidate for liposuction only, or if removal of skin is also required.

Patients may experience temporary bruising, swelling, numbness or burning, or drainage from incision sites. Swelling and bruising generally subside within one to three months and may be reduced through use of tumescent or ultrasonic techniques. Potential complications include bleeding, infection, asymmetry, skin rippling or discoloration, fluid retention, or excessive fluid loss, which may lead to shock (only with large-volume liposuction).

Remember: Liposuction is NOT to be used for weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions about Abdominal Liposuction

How Long Does An Abdominal Liposuction Procedure Last?

Typically, the procedure takes one to three hours, depending on the extent of fat removal.

Can Abdominal Liposuction Be Combined With Other Procedures?

Yes, it can be combined with procedures like tummy tucks for comprehensive results.

What Are The Potential Risks And Complications Of Liposuction?

While generally safe, risks include swelling, bruising, and temporary numbness.

Is Abdominal Liposuction Painful?

Patients may experience discomfort, but pain is usually manageable with medication.

Expected Results of Abdominal Liposuction

Post-procedure, patients can expect a slimmer, more sculpted abdominal area. While results vary, the reduction of abdominal fat often leads to a more aesthetically pleasing figure.

Why Choose Dr. Michael Olding?

Choosing liposuction in Washington DC means selecting a skilled and board-certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Michael Olding is the director of the Cosmetic Surgery Center at The GW Medical Faculty Associates and is the chief of Plastic Surgery at The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences. Given his 20 years of experience, he creates the best surgical plan for his patients with compassion and gold-standard patient care.

His hands and surgical skills are legendary

I have known Dr. Olding for over 20 years. He has worked on many close to me and myself. He is the most honest, ethical plastic surgeon I know. He doesn’t sugar-coat or tell Ugly Betty she will look like a movie star after he is done and sucks 100 lbs out of her. I refer to him frequently and would highly suggest anyone considering cosmetic surgery should at least get an opinion from him because HE WILL BE HONEST. His hands and surgical skills are legendary.

Schedule Your Consultation

Interested in learning more about abdominal liposuction in Washington DC? Contact us and schedule a consultation. Discover how we can assist you in achieving your aesthetic goals.

Before & After
Before & After

* Individual results may vary.

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